
Silent with Jesus

Posted on: 5 四月, 2009

My brother in Lord shared a link with me this evening: http://www.pp959.com/8days

We can find the devotion and meditation materials from the website listed above. The materials are for each day of the Holy Week and the Easter Sunday.

Let us keep silent and walk along with Jesus on the last week of His life on earth.


  • Heero: 哦...打擾您了真是十分抱歉:)
  • MissBiss: 對不起,我不是你所說的林芷若,應該是誤會了。
  • Heero: 我暈-.-之前那個post竟然被delete了...如果妳是芷若姐的話,我不知道你還記不記得我。我是當年歷史戰友的留言板板